Hospital projects

Hospital projects 

I have been commissioned to work on various projects in hospitals in Oxfordshire.

I was part of a team of artists going into community hospitals working with patience, and staff to improve their well-being. I did this by running groups in dayrooms and working at the bedside.

I would engage for patients talking of memories and their stories. which would inspire me to do quick colourful sketches which I would then give to the patients.  The patience  would also have the  opportunity to do their own drawings.

 From doing this  project I discovered  that what might seem to be little stories often would be the  most powerful stories.

I’ve also been commissioned to create murals an art pieces for  wards. the designs of these art pieces were inspired by the clinical needs of the patients an input of the staff.

Mural at Abingdon Minor injuries

Slides of artwork for Mural at Abingdon Minor injuries

Mural on the Trauma Ward Horton hospital Banbury

Drawing of patients memories

Art work to on wards